Fatal disease Cancer is the disease that abnormal cells divide or grow with no control and encroach other tissues. Abnormal cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Unusual growth and division of cells damage to surrounding tissue of our body. Cancer is the disease of the disease.

                                                    Image Source:Google
There are more than 100 cancer are recognized,among them breast cancer is one that is becoming threat of women. Usually cancer cells form a lump or tumors.The most of the breast cancers starts in the parts of the breast tissue that are made up of glands for milk production,called lobules, and ducts that connect the lobules to the nipple where as Breast is made up of fatty,connective ,and lymphatic tissues.

While someone get starts breast cancer,a tumour may first develop in the breast lobules,where the structure that produce milk. A tumour that originates in the milk ducts may lead to paget's disease in the breast. Tumours may spread to the other organs,such as the lungs or the liver,before being detected .

It will be wiser to be careful on the symptoms of breast cancer rather than fight with the cancer later.
 Breast cancer include:
- A painless lump in the breast.

- Swelling of the skin with an ''orange peel'' appearance.

- Inversion of the nipple.

- Nipple discharge other than milk.


There are various method to treatment of breast cancer,some of them are below:

1-Chemotherapy: It is the process of treatment with the drugs

2-Radiation therapy: It is the process of treatment by using high-power wave to damage the cancerous cells in the body.

3-Hypothermia:It is the way of treatment by using heat on affected cells but it is being studied for use against many types of cancer.

4-Lasers treatment: It is the treatment using the powerful light to kill the cells.

5- Blood transfusions: It is the process of replacing the blood when the body can not make it's own.

6- Surgery: It can be done to prevent the cancer,if the cancerous cell has not spread other parts of body.

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