There are three main types of fat found in foods and oils: Saturated, monounsaturated,and polyunsaturated . Too much fat in the diet, particularly saturated fat, is unhealthy. Our total fat consumption should be  under 35% of our daily calorie intake, with most of the fat as monounsaturated and polyunsaturates.

Our daily food that we eat determine our health condition. So to be  healthy food  we should consume food that contain  fat , carbohydrates, and protein in right amount.

In our body , protein help to build and repair the tissue. Not only that it make enzymes,hormones including our bone ,muscles ,blood and other chemicals. It is macro nutrient that we need to stay healthy like other component fat and carbohydrates.

It is notable that our body does store fat and carbohydrates but does not store protein .That's why each day we should ensure right amount of protein in each meal. In the same time large amount of protein is not good for health as it is converted in to fat in our body may causes the problem of obesity.

Protein we get from various sources that including meat, milk , cheese and other fish,egg , vegetables, fruit,nuts, butter and so on. Bu consuming protein based food , our body gets amino acidsthat human body needs.

It is good to know how much of protein needs for the good health according to  our weight and age. Generally about 56 grams of protein need for man and 46 grams of women every day.

 If you want to calculate it by weight , you can multiply your average weight   by 5 and that amount of grams should be idle protein you should take.

For example your weight is about 90 pounds would aim to take about 45 grams of protein each day.

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